Minister’s listed TV sports event plan could lead to ‘dire consequences’ for Connacht Rugby

Connacht Rugby faces renewed threats - not, this time, from headquarters, but from Government plans to broadcast major rugby matches free.

It is feared Connacht could be the first to feel the effects if Minister Eamon Ryan TD’s plans to designate Heineken Cup and the RBS Six Nations Championship rugby as listed events become a reality.

Connacht Branch chief executive officer, Gerry Kelly, says the plans could have “dire consequences for the future of rugby in the west of Ireland”.

“This proposal has the potential to seriously undermine all the progress made in Connacht and throughout the country,” he said.

It is believed the move would result in a loss of TV rights income to Irish rugby of between €10 and €12 million a year which would necessitate reviewing current professional rugby.

“We work tirelessly to keep the Connacht provincial team in operation as a competitive unit,” says Kelly, “ but the loss of TV revenues for Irish rugby will destroy the ability to retain current and future professional contracts of players with their home provinces in a continually competitive market place.”

He says the Minister is striking at the “very heart of Irish rugby” at a time where Ireland has just arrived at the structures in place to compete at the highest level.

“This proposal has the potential to dismantle the funding for these structures if it is passed. It will weaken the challenge of the provincial teams in the Heineken Cup, Amlin Challenge Cup and Magners League.

“We have made strides this year in terms of the team and support, illustrated by our Amlin Challenge Cup semi-final appearance against Toulon. This could be an absolute tragedy.”

The Connacht CEO says it will also impact on club and underage structures which are supported by the professional game.

The Connacht Branch of the IRFU is urging supporters to demonstrate its disapproval of Minister Ryan’s plans by emailing a message of disapproval to broadcast


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