‘Literally no place for tenants to go’ says Threshold at Féile Housing Festival

A first of its kind housing festival, Féile Housing, took place in the city last weekend, looking at the realities of the current housing emergency and possible solutions over the two-day event.

On Saturday and Sunday last, the Galway arts community came together with local residents to explore solutions to the ongoing housing crisis, with the end goal of putting the heart back into the home. In conjunction with Seachtain na Gaeilge, this innovative community led arts festival took place in Áras na nGael – with a pre-festival event in Charlie Byrne’s bookshop featuring housing policy expert Dr. Rory Hearne.

Events over the weekend included a panel discussion, art exhibition, song-writing and art workshops, poetry showcase, open mic and music circles – all culminating in a moving concert on Sunday evening. Events took place in both Irish and English and over €1,200 was raised to support Galway Simon Community.

The panel discussion on Saturday included Karen Golden (CEO Galway Simon Community ), Graham Martin (Threshold ), Hugh Brennan (CEO O Cualann Co-Housing ), Peadar Mac Fhlannchadha (Iar ArdrúnaÍ Conradh na Gaeilge ) and Dr Áine Sperrin (Senior research analyst, Trilateral ). The panel unanimously agreed that the decision to lift the eviction ban needs to be reversed, in order to provide additional time for solutions and mitigating policies to be implemented.

The national eviction ban was introduced in October last year and will expire at the end of the month despite criticisms from housing charities and homeless charities across Ireland who feel that an extension of the ban is necessary.

Graham Martin from Threshold described how there is “literally no place for tenants to go”. Rents in Ireland have doubled in the past decade and the average rent is now classified as unaffordable for 90% of earners - under international definitions. Graham allowed that exemptions to the ban may be required for some landlords, who need a property back for a family member.

Karen Golden from Galway Simon Community described “households under enormous pressure, worry and distress”, with food and fuel poverty as major issues. There is an over-reliance on the housing assistance payment (HAP ) and private rental market to provide social housing in Galway, with no security of tenure and increasing rents. She highlighted that, at the current rate of building, it could take 27 years to build enough social homes for those currently on the social housing list and in HAP tenancies in Galway.

Galway city has the highest proportion of vacant rental property in the country (38% ), while more than 11,700 people are accessing emergency accommodation nationwide. Despite inflation and vastly increased construction costs, approved housing bodies can still provide housing at cost price plus 5%.

People spoke of the need for housing projects to be socially, structurally and environmentally sustainable, in order to provide integrated communities with basic services including shops, creches, cafés and safe access. One of the festival’s main organisers, Aoife Welby described how “people’s need for housing and shelter is not something radical. It is a basic fundamental human right.”

The art exhibition on Sunday afternoon was opened by former Galway Arts Officer James Harrold. He spoke of eviction in Ireland’s history and reminded us of previous successful government housing projects in Galway city. He described the festival as “lighting a candle in the darkness – doing something positive and creative to create change and restore courage and strength”.

This followed an art workshop where children illustrated what home meant to them – with pieces from Irish and Ukrainian children of Claddagh national school also featuring.Finally on Sunday evening, the weekend wrapped up with a beautiful concert featuring Brigid Mae Power, one of the musicians who came up with the idea for the festival weekend, Adrian Crowley, Peter Broderick and many more.

The festival organisers would like to warmly thank all artists, musicians, speakers, film-makers, attendees and volunteers who gave freely of their time over the weekend. Please support and follow @FéileHousing2023 on Instagram or contact [email protected] for more information.


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