Galway bars and restaurants encouraged to apply for CRSS enhanced restart payment

Maximum weekly payment under the CRSS has been doubled to €10,000

Bars and restaurants in Galway which reopened for indoor hospitality this week are being encouraged to apply for an enhanced restart payment under the Covid Restrictions Support Scheme.

The payment is intended to assist local businesses with the additional costs of reopening, and amounts to double the normal CRSS rate for a period of three weeks.

The maximum weekly payment under the CRSS has been doubled to €10,000, meaning businesses can claim as much as €30,000 in the form of a reopening payment depending on their eligibility.

Under the scheme, businesses may apply for the restart payment within eight weeks of the date of reopening. Claims can be made via the claim portal for the CRSS, which is available through the eRepayments system on Revenue’s online service.


The restart payment has been welcomed by the Minister of State at the Department of Transport, and Fine Gael Galway West TD, Hildegarde Naughton [pictured above].

“Few sectors have felt the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic as acutely as the hospitality business,” she said. “It’s appropriate to provide some additional assistance as bars and restaurants get back on their feet.

“I would encourage all eligible businesses in Galway to apply for the payment as soon as possible to help make their reopening a success and kick-start the economic recovery in that sector.”


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