Canney accuses meat factories of 'profiteering' during the coronavirus crisis

Minister lends support to claims from Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers' Association,

A leading Galway TD has come out in support of allegations by the Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers' Association, which have accused meat factories of "profiteering" during the coronavirus crisis.

Galway East TD, and Minister for Rural Affairs, Seán Canney, said it made "absolutely no sense" for lamb prices to be cut by "up to 50c/kg" when meat has "never been in more demand", and he accused meat factories of "profiteering on an unacceptable scale".

"The excuse that there has been disruption to the Chinese markets is not sustainable," he said. "Supply cannot meet demand in our domestic markets and prices are already low enough. Our farmers are vital to our food supply and they should be supported in their efforts and treated fairly."


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