Spiorad Shaidhbh soaring strong as tenth anniversary of brave young woman approaches

The ‘Spiorad Shaidhbh’ Midsummer 5km Sponsored Walk in aid of the SCCUL Sanctuary takes place at 11.45am on Sunday June 23 at the Flaggy Shore in New Quay, Co. Clare. Spiorad Shaidhbh was founded in 2010 by the friends and family of the late Galwaywoman Sadhbh Ní Bhrádaigh, who died on Christmas night 2009 from pneumococcal meningitis.

Sadhbh’s mother, Máire, was one of those instrumental in setting-up the foundation.

“Sadhbh was a vibrant, witty and humorous young woman with a deep sense of compassion and kindness towards others, especially those who at times found life challenging and difficult to cope with. It was with these qualities in mind that Spiorad Shaidhbh was founded as a means of honouring her memory through fundraising and organising a series of small acts of kindness that would in some small way improve the lives of others in the community in which we live. These we call Sadhbh’s ‘Wish List’.”

Sadhbh was a young woman full of energy and fun with a great sense of wit and humour. She wore her heart on her sleeve and was quick to come to the defence of those less fortunate than herself.This Christmas will mark the tenth anniversary of Sadhbh’s passing and, according to Máire, her Wish List continues to make an impact on the lives of so any across the West of Ireland.

“The first wish was the refurbishment of family rooms in the Intensive Care Unit of at University Hospital Galway. Wish number two focused on the furnishing of a Family room at the ACT for Meningitis offices. The third wish funded Music Therapy for those with an intellectual/physical disability attending the Ashling Centre at the Brothers of Charity campus in Renmore, Galway.

“Wish number four supported Jigsaw, Galway to finance an outreach programme for young people struggling with mental health issues in rural Galway. The most recent wish, wish number five, focused on fundraising for COPE Galway to improve living conditions for those availing of services of Osterley Lodge and Waterside House, emergency services for those affected by domestic violence etc.”

“Up to now all of Sadhbh’s wishes have re?ected the nature and spirit of the woman herself. So too with this year’s Wish Number 6 whose aim is to support SCCUL Sanctuary, Clarinbridge, Galway, in their efforts to make available much-needed therapeutic sessions for those in our community living with life challenges such as MS, Parkinson’s disease and cancer,” said Maire.

William Browne, coordinator of the SCCUL Sanctuary, noted that Sadhbh’s spirit encapsulates what the Sanctuary is about.

“The Sanctuary is about giving warmth and hope to our sisters, brothers, neighbours and friends across the region who face difficult life challenges. We are delighted that Spiorad Shaidhbh has chosen to support the SCCUL Sanctuary in Clarinbrudge for wish number 6.

“More than 100 people will directly benefit from therapeutic support days at the Sanctuary thanks to those who donate to the 5km sponsored walk. In a sense, the therapeutic support dates will enable sisters and brothers to experience the same compassion and kindness that Sadhbh showed towards others during her life. Her legacy lives on and continues to light the hearts of many.”

All are welcome to join the 5km walk at the Flaggy Shore, New Quay on June 23rd at 11.45am.

For more information on Spiorad Shaidhbh and the walk, contact Maire: 087 9502741 or www.facebook.com Spiorad Shaidhbh page.

For more on the SCCUL Sanctuary therapeutic support days or renting the Sanctuary for a teambuilding day or offsite meeting, contact Will: 087 3466220 or email [email protected].

For those unable to attend on June 23, donations are also gratefully accepted via our online iDonate fundraising page – click on www.idonate.ie/SCCULSanctuary138


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