Lydon House Catering introduces sustainable materials for the Galway Races

New materials, such as 'paperless cups', will see redirection of single-use products into composting programs

Galway based company Lydon House Catering is set to introduce several initiatives during the Galway Races to divert single-use items such as coffee cups, straws, plastic cups, and plastic cutlery from landfill.

Lydon House Catering is working with Zeus, a leading specialist in distribution and manufacturing, to source the best sustainable materials for the Galway Races. Both have devised an approach to redirect single-use products into composting programs, and to move plastic, glass and cardboard into recycling programs. Lydon House is the main vendor at Galway Races, which runs from Monday July 30 to Sunday August 5.

“Replacing all single-use items with sustainable alternatives at the races is a huge step forward that will have a direct and positive impact on the environment," said Noel O'Grady, managing director of Lydon House Catering. "As the Galway Races are such an intrinsic part of Ireland’s tourism and culture, we hope that by introducing these initiatives, a national and international audience will see how Irish businesses and event teams are working together to do their bit to protect our future.”

Mr O'Grady added: “Greening an event like the Galway Races Festival it will raise awareness about how we can all do our bit to care for the environment. Collectively, we can make a difference when it comes to reducing the impact on the environment and in doing so, have a positive effect on our local communities. We hope other national events follow suit.”

Zeus have also introduced into Lydon House Catering's greening programmes a paper cup where no trees are used in the making of the paper. These tree-free cups are made from residual fibre from sugarcane which is natural waste material and can have an organic circular lifecycle when composted.


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