RBK supports Esker House Women’s Refuge

As part of Russell Brennan Keane’s (RBK ) celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8, the staff held a fundraising coffee morning in aid of Esker House.

Esker House Women’s Refuge and Domestic Abuse Support Service provides temporary safe accommodation for women and their children, and offers support and information for women experiencing domestic abuse.

Presenting Valerie Dolan, director at Esker House, with a cheque for €1,000, David Gleeson, managing partner at RBK, said: “We are proud to support Esker House who are dedicated to providing invaluable support to women and their families experiencing domestic abuse. Russell Brennan Keane are 60 years in business this year and this is a small part of us giving back to the community.”

Valerie Dolan said: “We would like to take this opportunity to thank all at Russell Brennan Keane, first of all for your kind welcome and hospitality, and secondly for your more than generous donation and ongoing support. Our court clinic is held in Athlone District Court every Wednesday morning from 10am to 12.30pm, where staff support women who may need court accompaniment and advocate on their behalf. Esker House operates a 24/7 support and information helpline and also provides an outreach support service.”

For further details about Esker House and the support they provide to the local community visit www.eskerhouse.ie


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