Man in court over rape charge

A man has appeared before Athlone District Court this week (November 7 ) charged with rape, aggravated sexual assault of a young man and production of a knife during a rape.

The 23-year-old man, who is not being named to protect his victim, is alleged to have committed the offences near St Mary’s National School, Athlone during the night of December 22 last.

It’s alleged the incident lasted for an hour and a half, during which time the victim was knocked to the ground and forced to strip naked, before being sexually assaulted.

The accused was remanded on bail with strict conditions, including a curfew between 11pm and 7am.

He is to sign on three times a week at his local Garda station and not change his address without getting permission from Garda Niall Cogavin 48 hours in advance.

He is not to apply for a passport and is not to contact the victim.

The case was adjourned to December 12 for a book of evidence, following DPP directions that the accused be tried at a higher court.

Solicitor Tony McLynn said identifying his client could lead to the identification of his victim, but Garda Cogavin disagreed and Judge Hughes made no ruling.


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