Long mooted bicycle hire scheme to launch in Athlone


An alternative mode to complete short distance journeys in Athlone will be offered to the local public from Monday next, April 25, with the formal launch of an app-based bicycle hire scheme.

In tandem with Mullingar, the pilot scheme will initially see 30 bicycles being made available for interested users across 10 locations in both towns.

This scheme will be operated by Westmeath County Council in partnership with Moby Bikes Ireland. Founded in 2019, Moby Bikes Ireland boast a strong footprint in the bicycle hire industry, operating similar initiatives in Dublin, London, Utrecht, Singapore and New York.

Welcoming the development, Municipal District Deputy Mayor, Cllr Aengus O’Rourke, noted that the bicycle hire scheme was initially mooted in 2019, noting that both Athlone and Mullingar were the first provincial towns to offer such an initiative to members of the local community.

“I was delighted to first propose that Athlone should seriously consider a public bicycle hire scheme during a Economic and Tourism SPC meeting in 2019, so, I am pleased that we will now have a scheme in Athlone on a pilot basis from next week.

“Athlone is especially suited to this scheme for a number of reasons - for example a huge amount of our journey times are centred on the three following town destinations, namely TUS on the Dublin road, our town centre and Monksland, so, getting from one to the other, apart from driving, necessitates a 20 minute walk. On a bicycle this journey would take less than half of that time, in fact you might be faster cycling some days than driving!

“We also need to continuously do what is possible to reduce the number of vehicles on our roads. Obviously, most car journeys are essential, however very many journeys could be taken on a bicycle, so now the option is there to get people out of their cars for short journeys while at the same time improve their health!

“We have more tourists than ever visiting Athlone, so as they park-up their hire cars in the hotel car-parks, they will find the bicycle hire scheme a great way to explore the town and the wider Athlone area too.

“It is really important that this scheme is supported by the public and that these bicycles get a lot of use. My fear would be that if demand is low, like most things in life - if you don’t use it, you lose it.

“However, I have no doubt this public bicycle hire initiative will be very well supported by locals and visitors alike and, I sincerely hope that with high demand we will see the initiative progress with additional bicycles and bases added to the network around Athlone into the future,” Cllr O’Rourke asserted.

Local Green Party Councillor, Louise Heavin, further extolled the potential virtues of the soon to be launched pilot scheme.

“After suggesting this scheme at my inaugural Environment SPC meeting I am delighted to see this bicycle hire scheme come to fruition. Athlone is a great sized town for cycling and you can get from one side to the other in less than 30 minutes on a bicycle. This bike hire scheme is a step in the right direction for a more livable town for residents, students and visitors alike,” Cllr Heavin remarked.

Speaking this week, a spokesperson for Westmeath County Council stated that the launch of the pilot scheme was an “exciting” transport development for Athlone and Mullingar.

“This is the first occasion a scheme of this ilk will be rolled out in two regional towns and it is a very exciting development for Westmeath. The scheme will help to reduce the amount of short car journeys taken which in turn will help to reduce the carbon footprint of both towns. It will also give people flexibility to get around the towns with ease.

“The distinctive bikes will be robust and easy to cycle for all abilities. The app makes it very easy and convenient to hire a bike at short notice and also provides a further option for visitors to the town. This scheme allows visitors the freedom to get out and about in our county towns, to see the sites and explore the area with all the freedom a bike offers.

How Bicycle Hire Scheme Works

The customer simply downloads the Moby Bike App on their device and registers their details. Select your location as Athlone.

The app will then tell the customer where the nearest bike available to hire is located and will unlock the bicycle for the customer. The customer can then use the bicycle for as long as required.

When finished, the bicycle is returned to one of the stations on the app. The customer then presses “return bicycle” and uploads a picture of the bicycle locked in position. This ends the journey and the hire time is then charged to the customer’s card.


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