Register for pertinent zoom talk on meditation and mindfulness

The benefits of meditation have been well documented with regard to feeling more relaxed and more at peace with yourself.

Meditation in its various forms is to practice a method of stilling the mind, bringing it to rest - on its own it is worthwhile but combine this with mindfulness and the internal changes are more profound.

In buddhist and Christian philosophy this activity leads to awakening or Christ consciousness. It means to fill your mind with exactly what you are doing but this depends on first emptying the mind. This emptying of the mind you learn when meditating.

Brendan Harding has participated in sessions with the John Main meditators in Ireland and India and Canada and has undertaken many retreats with the monks of Plum Village, which was the base for Tich Nhat Hann who was the Buddhist monk who, before John Cabot Zinn, brought the idea of mindfulness to the West.

Brendan is also a graduate of the Eckart Tolle School of Awakening. Eckhart Tolle gives the very best interpretation of mindfulness that has been given in my opinion although he calls it simply “presence”.

He has also spent time in Buddhist and Christian monasteries. If you want to find out more about these topics please join a free online talk on meditation and mindfulness and participate in both and learn the two most fundamental rules to practice them both successfully.

To register for this meditation and mindfulness zoom talk on Sunday, February 27 at 10.30am, Tuesday, March 1 at 7pm or Wednesday, March 2 at 9pm, send an email to Brendan at [email protected].


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