In such surreal times stay aware and stay safe

Were it of normal circumstance, this past week local communities would have embraced, in celebration, their Irish heritage in honour of the national feast day, St. Patrick’s Day.

As surreal times unfortunately abound, normality is simply far from public mind. The impact of Coronavirus (Covid-19 ) on the nation has been detrimental, vast and swift.

News bulletins are laden with news of escalating Coronavirus cases and sadly, the country has experienced deaths as Covid-19 wraps its tentacles around a nation gripped in a state of fear.

Local schools and innumerable businesses have taken the decision to close their doors for the good of public health as stringent Government regulations and protocols, enhanced on an ongoing basis, aim to stem the spread of the Coronavirus.

The financial loss to such local businesses will be vast during their time of closure and it is incumbent upon the community to support local traders when they reopen upon the resumption of daily working hours.

Amid the chaos that is the Coronavirus, the spirit of the local community has come to the fore with numerous organisations uniting with the sole focus of helping the most vulnerable in society. These acts must be lauded as the country strives for a return to a state of normality, the uncertainty of when that day will arrive remaining a topic of much discussion now and in the time to come.

As the community awaits the arrival of such a day, members of the public are advised to heed direct advice from the relevant communication channels, primarily and, who will offer daily updates pertaining to matters Coronavirus.

Maintaining a personal hygiene standard of the highest order is vital to control the spread of Coronavirus and the public are strongly advised to bear in mind the preventative measures presently outlined by the HSE.

Wash your hands regularly to avoid contamination. Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow as you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your eyes and nose if you have not washed your hands. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. Stop shaking hands and embracing others. Reduce social interactions. Keep a distance of two metres between you and other people.

Working in unison with such pertinent health guidelines in mind, as a member of the local community, you can contribute to stemming the spread of Coronavirus and assist the country in its wholesome desire to reduce the numbers infected.

As a local community and as one nation, the time will arrive when social interaction, that of which is now limited, will return to daily life. To that end, continue to heed advice, stay aware and of the utmost importance, stay safe.


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