Search Results for 'online bullying'

7 results found.

Children should not suffer because of inaction by social media companies, says Walsh

Report from CyberSafeKids, shows social media companies have been shockingly unresponsive as parents fight to protect their children.

Adjusting to secondary school

Moving from primary to secondary school can be a time of great excitement, but it can also be a time of worry and apprehension. Pupils go from being the most senior in their primary school to the most junior members of their secondary school. The early weeks of school are exhausting and in the first months many complain of being tired all the time.

Wellbeing in the digital age

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Living in the digital age gives the average person opportunities completely unimaginable even a generation back. It’s made work easier and provided us with more travel and leisure alternatives, but we also gained a host of new health problems.

Striving to be Virtually Perfect

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THE FRAUGHT world of social media and the pressures it creates for today’s teenagers is the inspiration for Youth Ballet West’s exciting new show, Virtually Perfect, which plays the Town Hall this weekend.

Keeping children safe online

In recent weeks, the debate around child safety online has taken centre stage with the world-renowned cyber psychologist Dr Mary Aiken calling for children under the age of 14 to be prevented from owning smartphones. Reports of cyberbullying are becoming more common, and many parents are unsure about just what are reasonable measures to take in order to protect their children. Teenagers too complain about the amount of time their parents spend distracted by the addictive power of the same technology.

McFadden calls for more positive action on bullying

Athlone-based Senator, Gabrielle McFadden, has called on her Seanad colleagues to show their support for anti-bullying behaviour by the public wearing of a specially designed badge.

Online bullies should face full rigours of the law - Moran

Online bullies who target innocent and vulnerable people – directly or indirectly – should face the full rigours of the law, according to Independent Alliance TD for Longford-Westmeath, Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran.


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