Pamper yourself at Purity Everyday Elegance

Let the stresses and strains of life drain away as you enjoy a pampering session at Purity Everyday Elegance, beauty shop, beauty and hair salon located on Pearse Street, Ballina.

The salon, which is now under new management, offers an assortment of fabulous treatment packages; glamorous hair styles created by newly appointed Tomas; or a selection of world renowned beauty products to purchase in the beauty shop.

Currently there is 20 per cent off all treatments, so whether you are in need of a full day of relaxation, a completely new hairstyle, or a quick manicure, you will find it here. Loyal customers are also rewarded, as when you have any five of a given treatment the sixth is free!

Call 096 75749 for your appointment today or email [email protected]


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