Search Results for 'Irish republicanism'

35 results found.

Sinn Fein Easter commemoration events in city and county

Easter is a special time for Irish Republicans, and County Galway was one of the main areas that rose in 1916 in defence of the Irish Republic, having the second largest uprising in the country after Dublin.

Castlebar Prison and the 1798 Rebellion

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When the English forces regained control of Castlebar after the departure of General Humbert, the greater part of the County Prison on the Green was taken from the control of Governor Henry Moran and set aside for military purposes. Provost Martial William Clavroge assumed responsibility for the military section and military prisoners. Apart from a few common criminals, the prison population of 190 comprised captured Irish rebels, deserters from the British military and militias, and political prisoners such as John Moore.

Sinn Féin announce motion to scrap planned road toll price hikes – Sorca Clarke

Local Sinn Féin Deputy, Sorca Clarke, gas called upon her fellow public representatives to support the party’s Dáil motion to scrap planned toll road price hikes.

The real worry about Sinn Féin

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The recent Claire Byrne Live special, in which audience members were invited to put their furrowed brows on display, and share with the nation their hesitations about voting Sinn Féin, was, you can be sure, the opening salvo in what will be a relentless attempt by the media to shore up support for Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, and the Greens.

‘There is a need for ordinary people to say what The Troubles were like’

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From the cages of Long Kesh in the 1970s, to the lecture halls and classrooms of NUI Galway this century, a love of writing and a passionate belief in the importance of education has been central in the life of Paddy McMenamin.

‘Was it wise to sign the Treaty?’

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Was the Treaty the means that gave Ireland “the freedom to achieve freedom”, or was it a betrayal of the ideal that had been fought for since 1916 - an Irish Republic?

Local Sinn Féin Deputy urges support of Simon’s Homeless Prevention Bill

Local Sinn Féin Deputy, Sorca Clarke, has urged all political colleagues to support legislation to prevent homelessness.

Local Sinn Féin Deputy calls on Government to provide occupational therapy plan

Local Sinn Féin Deputy, Sorca Clarke, has called in the Government to put forward an immediate for children to access occupational therapy.

O’Hara calls on public to make voice heard over Irish unity

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If Irish unity is now a matter of when, not if, then people need to make their voices heard about what kind of State the new Ireland will be.

Trump, Johnson and Sinn Féin, all singing from the same hymn sheet?



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